Climate Change

Grand Opening: May 25, 2024, 12 - 2 pm
Community Celebration: Friday, June 14, 5 - 9 pm

Arts Benicia and The Vallejo Center for the Arts are excited to unveil the collaborative exhibition, Solano Water Stories: Artists' Voices and Brushstrokes for Earth. This unique project aims to shed light on critical environmental issues and spark conversations about sustainability and social justice, showcasing a vibrant collection of new works by artists and poets from the Vallejo and Benicia communities.

Solano Water Stories: Artists' Voices is an exhibition funded by the California Creative Corps, a program of the California Arts Council, as part of a larger grant project titled Stewarding our Resources: Solano Artists Create, Collaborate, and Educate. The project is engaging artists in creating original material to be used to educate Californians about water conservation and climate mitigation. The exhibition will feature commissioned works by thirteen Solano County artists who draw upon their diverse community experiences to explore and communicate the grant themes through artwork.

This exhibition showcases a diverse array of artists including Miro Salazar, Tramaine de Senna, Janet Barnes, Sheree Rayford, Tereasa Tso, Lawrence H. Buford, Vincent Concepcion, Alicia Gomez, Daniel Valadez, Desiree Vicente, Mario Saucedo, Carl Heyward, and Akiko Suzuki.

Brushstrokes for Earth, an exhibition also funded by the California Creative Corps, a program of the California Arts Council, brings together seven talented Vallejo artists and two esteemed poets to craft art and poetry that confront urgent topics such as water and energy conservation, climate change, emergency response, and community resilience.

Among the featured Vallejo artists are Gene Buban, Sophia Othman, Liberty Pierson, Leah Tumerman, Lorenzo Crockett, Izzy Drumgoole, and Lil Boskio Alotu, alongside poets Kathleen Hermann and Jaclyn Evone, all renowned for their commitment to environmental advocacy and social change.

Made possible by a generous grant from the California Arts Council Creative Corps program.

Vallejo Arts & Entertainment
Arts Benicia
Empress Theatre
Benicia Magazine

Read Artist Statement

Grand Opening: Saturday, May 25, 2024

Ali in the Vallejo Times

Ali and some of her co-exhibitors were interviewed by the Vallejo Times on the last day of the Climate Change exhibit. Read or listen to the article here.