Artist Statement

Time is ticking away Tick Tock Tick Tock

Most people believe solving the water conservation problem includes reducing its use and finding storage solutions. But that is not the full solve. The real solution is to change our daily habits and pass education down to future generations. We are born knowing nothing, and it is our responsibility to pass survival skills to the next generation. Water is our precious resource to maintain life given that our bodies are made up of 80% water. Yet we pass down habits that are not necessary to survival. Water is wasted on unnecessary products such as cheap toys adding to pollution.

This generation's children are introduced to technology and allowed excessive use, leading to destruction, violence, and additional waste. Instead of guiding the children to be conscientious about our precious resources, this poor education diverts their attention away from survival and sustainability. Rather it makes things feel disposable and like a game. It is a selfish generation. They are learning to love and empathize with only themselves. We must challenge ourselves and the youth to ask:

What kind of human am I?
One who wastes for ego and vanity?
One who destroys for pleasure and selfishness?
One who does not respect another living being that cannot choose but only survive?
Or one who will teach the next generation to love this world and other unseen living beings?

What will I leave to my children? Toys that pollute, contaminate, and kill our earth and our oceans, rivers, lakes where other species live?
Or a love and respect for our green planet?

It is time to change the poor example of consumerism and waste leading to destruction, abuse and il management of our natural resources impacting us, the animals, and nature. We must show them the importance of how our actions impact the future earth that we will never see. They must be able to imagine what survival looks like with limited resources, disease, scarcity, and chaos.

Start now to minimize the damage.
Create and reuse what we have.
Preserve what is still left.
Let's not just be observers of destruction.
Let's think about the next generations.

No more waste.
No more unnecessary products.
No more technology to reach the moon and kill the earth.
No more phones for babies, and more time for the gym.
Be a mother, a father, a guide, a teacher.